:: Start You wake up, dazed, in a dark and bloody hallway. The horde must have passed over you - for now. They'll be back soon though, and you need to be ready. You feel around for a weapon, anything to defend yourself. [img[http://www.hollywoodgothique.com/wp-content/uploads/907hallway.jpg]] [[Search Right]] [[Search Left]] :: Search Right You found a crowbar! <> [img[http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20090527021761/half-life/en/images/6/6f/Crowbar_world_model_ep2.jpg][Sweet!]] :: next knife You use your trench knife like a boxing glove, punching the old woman in the face. The blade of the knife cuts through her skull, and black ooze drips from the wound. The zombie falls to the ground like a rag doll, but you know more will be coming before long. It's time to get going. :: Search Left You found a trench knife! <> [img[http://i4.photobucket.com/albums/y143/Jonathan16416/Trench%20Sword%20Concept/Trench_Knife.png][Sweet!]] :: Sweet! Red eyes glint at you in the darkness. A deep moan fills the air as you stand and prepare yourself. You grip your weapon tightly as the eyes move closer and closer. Suddenly, the figure charges forward, its face becoming clear in the dim light. Droll and blood cover the gaunt face of what used to be a woman. Its grey hair is matted and tangled, and you can tell the woman must have been in her sixties. The dead feel no pain from arthritis, however, and this creature moves faster than any old lady. Before you know it, it's on you! [img[http://hollywoodhatesme.files.wordpress.com/2010/05/scary-old-lady.jpg]] <> [[Kill it!|next knife]] <> <> [[Kill it!|next crowbar]] <> [[Let it kill you!]] :: next crowbar You use your crowbar like a baseball bat, aiming for its head and swinging as hard as you can. You can hear the skull fracture and the neck break as the crowbar hits its mark. The zombie falls to the ground like a rag doll, but you know more will be coming before long. It's time to get going. :: Let it kill you! The zombie tackles you before you have a chance to use your weapon. You feel its teeth break the skin on your neck and you know it's all over. You struggle out of instinct, but the creature's too strong now that it has tasted blood. It screams and wails in extasy as it eats you alive. You cry and struggle till your strength fails you. Your arms fall to the ground in resignation as vision begins to fade. Your last concious thought as the creature piles your flesh into its mouth is that you will soon be one of them. [img[http://davefarmersblog.files.wordpress.com/2011/03/zombie_horde.jpg]] [[Start Over|Start]]